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Explore a World of Student Clubs and Organizations

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of extracurricular clubs, an enriching part of your campus experience. Whether you're an academic achiever, a dedicated volunteer, or a fun-loving night owl, there's a club that aligns perfectly with your interests and passions.

Browse the extensive list of clubs below, and be sure to check back regularly as we continuously add new and exciting options. If you discover a club that piques your interest, 联系俱乐部顾问或联系学生参与,加入这些充满活力的团体. 通过我们各种各样的俱乐部和组织,让你的大学之旅充满难忘的联系和难忘的经历.

Clubs and Organizations

The Active Minds Club is dedicated to changing the conversation around student mental health. 我们共同努力,利用学生的声音来提高大学生的心理健康意识. By coming together, 我们可以让学生在校园里公开谈论心理健康问题,以减少耻辱感, encourage help-seeking and prevent suicides. All of this is done through campus awareness events, promoting available resources to students, advocating for positive change, representing the student's voice, and creating programs that are responsive to students' unique needs on our campus.

Meetings: Wednesday 2pm
Contact: Sue Allaire | 774.330.4652 | 

这个俱乐部的目的是为学生提供一个参与教育体验的平台, hands-on projects, and collaborative learning centered around the restoration of aircraft.

Meetings: Wednesdays 1PM and 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month @ 11AM

Advisor: Burton Schriber

Club President:  Luna De La Bruere

动漫俱乐部汇集了对日本动漫和漫画感兴趣和/或知识渊博的学生, western-created animations and graphic novels, as well as both foreign and western-created video games. Inquiring students will learn about the various types of each, being able to watch, read, play, or discuss different animations, novels, and games. Our hope is to learn more about new and interesting types of shows, books, and games and to broaden our knowledge of other cultures as well as our own.

Meetings: Wednesdays from 2 to 3PM in MMW Room 107 or 117

Advisor:  Kathleen Fulginiti  774.330.4533

Students meet to share hands on activities making art.  We foster increased awareness and enjoyment of Art, concentrating on hands on activities for all interested students. 

Meetings: Wednesdays 2-3 Studio B

Club president: Sarah Kearns

Advisor:  Sara David Ringler

最好的朋友俱乐部促进了有或没有智力和发育障碍的大学生之间的友谊. Although our aim is to eventually promote a 1:1 friendship model, 目前,我们正在通过促进有意义的联系的活动,为社会指导提供一个空间.

Meetings: First and last Tuesday of the month, 2 – 3 pm

Advisor: Cre Dorey 774.330.4481

Cape Cod Cryptids is a club at 4Cs focused on paranormal, supernatural, and cryptozoological research and investigation.  
For information:

大学康复计划是一个支持性的同伴团体,在上课的同时加强参与和/或维持康复的决定. Student members support recovery from any addiction or mental health issue. Through individual support and campus advocacy, 俱乐部旨在创造一个包容的环境和支持性的社区,帮助康复中的学生在4C以上茁壮成长.

Meetings: First and third Wednesday each month from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. Room 116 in the Maureen Wilkens Building.
Contact: Cheryl Kramer | 774-330-4611 |

这个俱乐部是为热爱写作的学生而设的,他们希望结识志同道合的人. Come write with us!

Advisor:  Rebecca Griffin 774.330.4554

Meetings: Wednesdays from 2-3

口腔卫生俱乐部培养,促进和维持口腔卫生的艺术和科学.  提供社交机会,以便更好地了解该职业及其所需的一切.
Open to accepted Dental Hygiene students

Meeting Times: 
Wednesday Monthly: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Location: MMWIL 115
Zoom link also available: Contact for a special link.

Join us in playing Dungeons & Dragons, a classic game of imagination! 我们也玩其他各种独立开发者工作室的桌面角色扮演游戏,并提供研讨会 & feedback to those interested in game design! No experience necessary, just have fun!

Meetings:  Tuesdays 2 - 3 PM

Advisor:  Alisha Fabia 774.330.4311

经济俱乐部的目的是提高det365中文学生对全球经济的认识, national, and individual level. 目标是帮助教导做出最有效的财务决策的重要性. 以及举办活动,帮助任何专业的学生与合适的组织和个人建立联系,以促进他们的教育或职业生涯.

Meetings:  Tuesdays, 2 PM

Club President: Benjamin Chase:

Advisor:  Matt Vazquez,

这个俱乐部的目的是为未来的葬礼主管和防腐师提供一个相互合作的空间.  The club provides opportunities to work together for the greater good of the public.  我们的服务使命包括在校园和更广泛的地区提升葬礼项目的形象.  你不需要参加葬礼服务计划来参加俱乐部.

会议:每月第二个星期二,下午1:50 - 2:30通过Zoom或Burnell Hall, Rm. 141 on the Bridgewater Campus

Advisor: Daniel C. Shea
Co-advisor: Gretchen R. Silva

游戏俱乐部为会员们提供了一个聚在一起玩各种游戏的地方, including board games, card games, role-playing games, and video games. Our aims are to establish camaraderie among students through a unifying hobby, and to foster basic strategy, critical thinking skills, and math through playing together and against each other.
For information contact:

The Honors Club strives to enhance the academic environment of all fellow students. 它提供了个人成长的机会,同时通过协调有趣的活动和项目加强校园社区,重点是俱乐部的三个原则:奖学金, Support and Service.

Meetings: Mondays at 5PM Virtual Only
Zoom ID: 946 2434 0385




For information contact:

杰纳斯球员-学生戏剧俱乐部提供了一个包容的环境,探索你的创造力! From improv to script writing, and from technical skills like scenic construction or lighting design, the club explores all thing related to creating live performance. We have hosted open mic nights, costume contests, lip synch battles and poetry slams. Join us and be a part of CREATING something amazing!

Meetings: Wednesdays 2:00 PM Tilden Arts Center Studio Theatre

Advisors: Vana Trudeau 774-330-4766 and Kendra Murphy

The Jesus Club 将学生聚集在一起,通过祈祷影响整个校园与上帝的爱, acts of service, 见证和每周的聚会,与每个参加的人分享耶稣基督福音的希望.

Meetings:  Wednesdays 2:00-3:00  Wilkens Science and Engineering G05

Advisor:  Alex Russo

音乐合作社的目标是通过音乐合作和协作来支持和促进4c的音乐生活. The club provides a space for musicians, vocalists, producers, and music-lovers to meet, share their work, and play music together. 该俱乐部还努力通过音乐会和其他表演机会将音乐带到更广泛的校园社区. Additionally, 音乐合作社的成员可以选择与det365中文的爵士组合一起表演. 
For information:

For more information please contact Lisa Gagnon For more information on our Alpha Upsilon Mu chapter, visit PTK.

4c摄影俱乐部热诚欢迎所有热爱摄影的人士,不论他们的专业水平如何. Our members come from all walks of life, 他们都热爱摄影艺术,并享受这个俱乐部提供的伟大友谊. We welcome both amateur and professional photographers to our club.
For information:

Pride Alliance is proud to continue its legacy of activism, social justice, breaking down barriers, and fostering strong, engaged communities along the way. We have continued to stand up, provide support, speak out, and organize for queer students and their allies by facilitating educational workshops, open forums, a speaker series, and social events. 我们认识到性取向和性别认同不是一成不变的,人们的身份认同可以是流动的.

Meetings: (live and Zoom) Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. and Fridays (Zoom only) at 12:00 noon.

Advisor:  James Morgan, 774-330-4027,

Broadcasts 24/7 on the air and via the Web, with student and faculty DJs occupy airtime during the school year.

Meeting Times: Thursday 11:30am
Location: WKKL Radio Station
Contact: or

*Currently in Membership Drive Seeking New Members

Are you fascinated by the limitless world of STEM? Dive into a world of exploration and innovation with the 4CSTEM Club! Each week, we unlock the wonders of various STEM fields through immersive activities, experiments, and engaging STEM learning circles.

Meetings:  Mondays 2:30-3:30

Advisor:  Maura Smith-Stein

学生管理协会(SGA)为学生在大学生活的各个方面提供了发言权.  作为学生会的选举代表,他们支持学生的校园活动, clubs and organizations, and participate in the college meeting.  The goals of the SGA include fostering leadership skills, encouraging school spirit, and nurturing an inclusive environment for all students. Membership is open to all 4Cs Students.

Meeting Times: 
Thursdays @ 2pm


该俱乐部通过与退伍军人的合作,帮助为在det365中文就读的退伍军人提供教育支持, students, faculty, school, and government resources. The Student Veterans of America at Cape Cod Community College 是否有一个可识别的符号,使学生能够相互联系,并增加公众对文化的普遍认识, social backgrounds, and barriers of the veteran and military community. Open and inclusive to all 4Cs Students regardless of military background. 

Meeting Times: Wednesdays at 4pm


Meeting Times: TBD - January 2024
Phone: 774.330.4465

Need Some Help? Contact Us!

Office of Student Engagement

Location: Grossman Commons, Room 208

Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm

Phone: 774.330.4320


For academic and wellness support visit: Student Support